Just recently at Sartell High School, a brand-new culinary culture club was created and has since then had its first meeting. Harry Hang and Graham Huse, juniors of SHS founded it while Mrs. Richason hosted the meetings in M203. The club focuses on celebrating different food cultures from around the world in a fun way: eating food.
The way the club works is straightforward. A meeting is held every other week, with a different theme for each meeting. Each meeting’s theme is decided by polls in the official club GroupMe, and they each represent different culinary cultures from around the world. After the theme is decided, each attending member brings a food item according to the theme and shows up.

Upon getting the club approved by the activities office, it quickly amassed enough members for its first meeting. Many members expressed their excitement about the club meeting as it differed from other clubs and was centered on eating food, an activity everyone loved. Following the success of the first meeting, official socials were made for the club which has helped it skyrocket in members and popularity. With a flow of posts about the club streaming to the rest of the student body, everyone can now see what the club was all about.

Currently standing at 57 members, the next meeting date and theme has been decided to be Thursday, October 24th at 7:45 A.M. with Halloween/Fall food. The club is open to the student body and can be joined anytime through a GroupMe link on the official Sartell Culinary Culture Club Instagram and TikTok at @sartell_culinaryculture.
Q&A with Club Members
Question: What’s your favorite part of the Culinary Culture Club and why?
Olivia Hedlund, Junior: My favorite part of the culinary culture club is eating interesting foods because they could be foods that I don’t usually eat.
Morgan Majerus, Junior: Having everyone bring their food and having that variety was really interesting and nice to see. The club is also a great way to socialize with other members of our grade and beyond. Food always brings people together.
Anu Ajayi, Junior: I like tasting foods from different cultures because it can expand my palette.
Question: What are you bringing for the next meeting with the theme being Halloween?
Olivia Hedlund, Junior: Candy or caramel apples.
Morgan Majerus, Junior: Cookies with some sort of pumpkin flavoring.
Anu Ajayi, Junior: Halloween Oreos.