THE GRADUATION COUNTDOWN BEGINS! Only 20 school days until the Class of 2024 walks across the graduation stage, and walks out of Sartell High School to begin their adult lives. While everything is moving so quickly we can’t forget to slow down and enjoy the small moments. As seniors, we are getting reminded of the mixed feelings of feeling excited for the future and nervous to leave the lives we’ve created here in Sartell.
As the Class of 2024 prepares for what the future holds for them, many seniors are ready to graduate and make plans for the last day of high school. The Sartell seniors are asked to share what their bucket list is for the days leading up to move-in day!

Joanna’s Senior Bucket List:
Road trip with my friends
Go to lots of concerts
Watch High School Musical, three nights before graduation

Caden’s Senior Bucket List:
Be able to do a 360 surfing
Win my futsal league
Shoot under 80 in a golf round at Blackberry
Have the best summer possible

Anastacia’s Senior Bucket List:
Take a train of Europe ride
Go to Mexico with friends
Go on a cross-country road trip with friends
Go to an out-of-state amusement park with family

Avalon’s Senior Bucket List:
Go on a road trip
Have a High School Musical binge-watching night with friends before graduation
Go to Valleyfair with seniors to make up for 8th grade
Spend a week with my family at the lake

Kate’s Senior Bucket List:
Get my license
Go on a camping trip up north
Get a job!
Dye my hair at least twice

Brita’s Senior Bucket List:
Get a 360 on the surfboard
White water raft in G
Grow my bank account
Travel somewhere this summer

Abby’s Senior Bucket List:
Have 15,000 dollars in my bank account
Go to Grandma Barb’s as many times as possible
Buy a new car
Run a sub 6:00 mile

Wesley’s Senior Bucket List:
Graduate & celebrate with family
Unretire from golf
Attend my family gatherings
Watch the Twins win the World Series

William’s Senior Bucket List:
Go skydiving
Go to Europe
Learn to surf
Get better at chess

Hadley’s Senior Bucket List:
Go on a road trip to Montana
Get a tattoo
Get my belly button pierced
Go back to the East Coast

Parker’s Senior Bucket List:
Visit Barcelona
Go to a final’s game
Go to another EDM concert
Get another article posted outside of the LeSabre

Erin’s Senior Bucket List:
Get a tattoo
Go on a road trip with friends
Go to a concert

Zac’s Senior Bucket List:
Buy a manual C7 Corvette
Enlist in the Airforce and become an Airman
Go skydiving
Go to a UFC event

Spencer’s Senior Bucket List:
Go to Duluth with friends
Hang out with friends as much as possible
Have a very successful marching band season