Graduation is coming quickly, every senior at Sartell is preparing their grad cards and making plans for the future. While everything is moving so quickly, we can’t forget to slow down and enjoy the small moments. As seniors, we are reminded of the mixed feelings of excitement for the future and nervous to leave the lives we’ve created here in Sartell.
As class of 2024 prepares for what the future holds for them, many seniors are ready to graduate and making plans for the last day of high school. The Sartell seniors are asked to share what their bucket list is for the days leading up to move in day!

Lydia’s Senior Bucket List
Make money
Go to a concert

Hannah’s Senior Bucket List
Move out
Go on a road-trip/senior trip
Save up money

Nevaeh’s Senior Bucket List
Get a car
Save up money
Road trip

Makayla’s Senior Bucket List
Go to the Grand Canyon
Get a tattoo
Go snorkeling

Braden’s Senior Bucket List
Decide and be sure of the education I choose to pursue
Save up money
Become better at cooking and random life skills
Learn how to become successful

Mackenzie’s Senior Bucket List
Get a tattoo (a quote across my thigh)
Travel (I am heading to Peru in the summer)

Bailey’s Senior Bucket List
Make money
Move out

Eden’s Senior Bucket List
Get a tattoo
Go to WeFest
Travel to Mexico
Go hiking in Hawaii again

Riley’s Senior Bucket list
Learn how to save money
Learn how to wake board