The Sartell Doghouse was made to allow the students of Sartell to show their

beloved pets to the rest of the school through the school newspaper, The LeSabre. The Sartell Doghouse began in 2017 and took a break in November 2019. Sartell Doghouse, making a comeback in 2024 with a new pooch, Phoebe.
Gennavive Wood’s family got Phoebe in the summer of 2019. Phoebe is a Miniature Schnauzer and is four and a half years old. After begging for a dog for three months, Gennavive’s mom finally agreed to get them a family dog. Gennavive and her mom went to go pick out a dog and finally named her Phoebe. Gennavive’s younger sister Laurelai has a severe allergy to dog dander and hair,

Phoebe is hypoallergenic and doesn’t make Laurelai’s allergies flair up.
Phoebe loves to play with toys that are just as big as her, she will go on runs with Gennavive, and she loves the dog park. At the dog park, she plays fetch, hide and seek, and loves to hang out with other dogs.

Phoebe’s favorite toy is a really big giraffe dog toy with 3 different squeakers in it. She carries it all around the house with her, wherever she goes. When the Wood’s get home from school, Phoebe never fails to wait for them at the front door and greet them with happy barks and excitement.
A fun fact about Phoebe is that she LOVES pup cups from Starbucks.
When Genna leaves to attend Alexandria Technical College in the Fall of 2024 she said that she will miss seeing Phoebe every day.