Neo-Nazi’s marched through UW Madison Saturday, November 18th, shocking UW students.
According to the Madison Police Department, about 20 neo-Nazi’s marched from State Street on campus to the State Capitol and James Madison Park. This appalled students at the university, leaving some students feeling uneasy about their safety on campus. The protestor’s were seen to be wearing red and black, carrying flags that contained images of swastika’s and other Nazi symbols. Jewish students spoke on the incident, saying they have never felt this level of hatred directed at their community before.
Jordyn Grover, a Jewish student at UW Madison told WMTV:

Grover also said it’s devastating to see people participating and actively engaging in anti-semitism. She also told WMTV, ”No other group should have to feel like they’re being targeted for their religion, what they look like,” she said. “But it’s always the Jewish people that have this target on their back.”
Police monitored the situation, but no arrests have been reported. UW Madison released a statement directly after the incident and Chancellor Jennifer L. Mnookin sent an email directly to the campus community. The Madison Police Department are continuously monitoring the situation and providing resources for students and employee’s affected by the march.