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Zach and Allison took pictures at St Mary's Cathedral before their junior prom.
Zach and Allison took pictures at St Mary’s Cathedral before their junior prom.
Permission granted from Zach and Heckman

Sartell Sweethearts: Zach and Allison

Sartell Sweethearts is an article that features couples here at Sartell High School. The couples will be asked questions to see how well they know each other.

This featured couple will be Zach Swanson and Allison Kempenich. 

Zach is a senior at Sartell High School. In college, Zach has plans to study financial planning and hopes to become a financial advisor in the future.

Allison is also a Sartell High School senior. She is looking forward to attending Minnesota State Mankato and going into pre-dentistry. 

Zach and Allison spent some time at a Twins game last summer. (Zachary Swanson)

Q: How long have you been together?

Zach’s Answer: 1 year and 3 months

Allison’s Answer: 1 year and 3 months

Q: Who was interested first?

Zach’s Answer: Allison

Allison’s Answer: Zach

Q: What is their favorite spot to eat?

Zach’s Answer: Texas Roadhouse or Olive Garden

Allison’s Answer:  Olive Garden

Zach’s Real Favorite Spot: Texas Roadhouse

Allison’s Real Favorite Spot: Texas Roadhouse

Q: What is their favorite candy?

Zach’s Answer: Reeses cups

Allison’s Answer: Reeses

Zach’s Real Favorite Candy: Swedish Fish and Mike & Ike

Allison’s Real Favorite Candy: Swedish Fish

Q: What is their favorite show?

Clearwater has a rodeo every year, and Zach and Allison decided to check it out this last summer. (zach)

Zach’s Answer: Baking shows

Allison’s Answer: Suits

Zach’s Real Favorite Show: Suits

Allison’s Real Favorite Show: ICarly

Q: What is their eye color?

Zach’s Answer: Greenish blue

Allison’s Answer: Green

Zach’s Real Eye Color: Blueish Green

Allison’s Real Eye Color: Green

Q: When is their birthday?

Zach’s Answer: October 17th

Allison’s Answer: February 12th

Zach’s Real Birthday: February 12th

Allison’s Real Birthday:  October 17th

Q: What is your favorite hangout spot?

Zach’s Answer: Allison’s cabin

Allison’s Answer: Allison’s cabin

Q: What is your favorite thing to do together?

Zach’s Answer: Be on the water

Allison’s Answer: Get Arby’s

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About the Contributors
Tony Colatrella
Tony Colatrella, Journalist
Grade: Senior Favorite Food: Chick-Fil-A Favorite Season: Winter Name of Car: Nancy the Nissan Activities: Hockey, Soccer, Golf
Zachary Swanson
Zachary Swanson, Journalist
Grade: Senior Name of Car: The Red Rocket Favorite Holiday: Christmas Favorite Food: Mom’s Chicken Alfredo Favorite Superhero: Michelangelo