Ben Thompson’s pet Tiger Salamander named Bert in this rendition of Precious Pets of SHS
Precious Pets at SHS #2: Bert the tiger salamander

Our second pet for Precious Pets at SHS is Sartell Junior Ben Thompson’s tiger salamander named Bert. Bert spends his day chilling in his terrarium. Bert is known for the biggest smile west of the Mississippi. Bert will enjoy a worm every now and then but will also enjoy a cricket.

Bert’s terrarium is filled with obstacles all around him. He can frequently be found hanging out on a piece of wood or hiding in some brush. With Bert’s natural camouflage, it can be very easy to lose sight of him when he is in his terrarium. One mistake you never want to make with Bert is mistake him for a snack because he is actually poisonous. Ben found Bert at his grandparents place and has since adopted him. There is no way of telling how old Bert actually is but we can estimate that he is still young because he is still growing. The average tiger salamander will live until they are about twenty five.