Grade: Senior
Hobbies: Making music, fashion design, shopping, working, and taking my dog on hot girl walks
My Cars Name: Ziggy Stardust
February 27, 2023
Sometimes the best way to discover new music is to allow Spotify to do all of the work for you.
I was listening to a random playlist one night while doing my homework when suddenly I came across a soothing bassline that I had never heard before. I didn’t think twice about it until I heard one of the most calming, gorgeous voices I had ever come across. I instantly knew that this song was going to become a staple in my life for years to come. I decided to listen to the full album in which that song was located and give my thoughts on it.
I will be giving my review of the album Out of Sorts by Atta Boy. This is the first studio album from the band and was released back in 2012. The album has 10 songs and a run time of 40 minutes and 31 seconds.
For this review, I took into consideration lyrics, use of instrumentation, and position within the album.
It is not uncommon for artists to end their albums on a slower more subdued and thought provoking note. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. Overall, I do not think that this is a bad song in any regard, but to end an already mellow album on an even more mellow song, left me feeling a tad bit bored while listening to the song.
If I were to listen to this album on shuffle I probably would have liked this song a bit more. The lyrics are deeply emotional and well written, her voice sounds absolutely lovely, and the piano is super calming, but in the end, it left me wanting just a bit more.
Atta Boy is a group that knows what their sound is and they use that to their advantage. The one major drawback to this is that many of their songs end up sounding quite similar. This song has a great chorus and the build up is really nice, but other than that, it is quite unremarkable. It is not a bad song, but there are many other songs within the album that have a similar feel that I would rather listen to.
The first time I listened to this song, I did not really like it, but I had this sneaking suspicion that it was going to grow on me, and you know what? I was right! The more that I listened, the more that I liked it, but it is still not close to being my favorite on the album. I do absolutely love the guitar solo and I would say its probably the high point of the song for me.
This is one of the most high energy songs on the album and is a nice contrast from some of the more slow and emotional songs on the album. The upbeat jive serves as a juxtaposition with the hurt that is shown within the lyrics. The piano and the drums compliment each other in a very appealing way that makes this song very nice to listen to. I like the way that the bass fades into a bigger crash of instruments, but I do wish that they lead into a little more.
This is a very cute little love song that I could see myself using for easy listening. When looking closer into the lyrics of this song, you can tell that this song does hold some of the same resentment that many of their other songs contain, giving it multiple meanings. The percussion really sets this song apart, and I absolutely love the addition of the actual bells.
If you are looking for a cute little tune that will make you instantly happy, and then instantly sad, this is the song for you. The ending makes me want to cry every time, but it is just so sweet I can’t help but love it. I really love how creative they get with the metaphor. Not a complex song but I think that adds to its charm. I would recommend listening to “Walden Pond” right before this one because the way that they bleed together is absolutely beautiful.
For being the title track on the album, I did expect slightly more from this song. I do think that it represents the rest of the album fairly well as it has a good mix of some of the sounds that you hear throughout the rest of the album. The singer’s voice is highlighted so beautifully and the lyrics are incredibly personal and touching.
The structure of the lyrics in this song is very pleasant and makes it feel very familiar. The combination of the singer’s voice, the melody, and the piano makes this song feel nostalgic and calming. Overall, this is not a complex song, but I do believe that this song benefits from its simplicity as it adds to its charm.
This song has a very calming vibe and would be great for someone who enjoys both easy listening and extremely human lyrics. The lead singer’s voice is gorgeous and the rasp in her voice is controlled and really adds to the feel of the song. I love when a song has a build-up and then a complete break in music, and this song does it extremely well. The melody is mesmerizing and keeps you absolutely enthralled.
I strongly believe that this is one of the best songs I have ever heard. This song is extremely vulnerable and feels like a personal look into her heart and soul. It will make me cry every time that I listen to it. The lyrics, her voice, the bass, the pacing, there is not one part of this song that I would change.
While writing this review, I listened to this album about 20 times, and I can truly say that I never got tired of the songs on this album.
Atta Boy knows what their sound is, and they are not afraid to stick to it. The lead singer, Eden Brolin has an amazing voice, and she knows exactly what her range is. There is not a single song on the album where the lyrics fall flat. They are always heartfelt, honest, and human. They leave you feeling seen, no matter if you have directly experienced what the singer is expressing or not.
The instrumentals are very nostalgic and create a sense of wholeness to the album. After a lot of thought I decided to give this album a 9.4/10.
Grade: Senior
Hobbies: Making music, fashion design, shopping, working, and taking my dog on hot girl walks
My Cars Name: Ziggy Stardust