Grade: Senior
Hobbies: Making music, fashion design, shopping, working, and taking my dog on hot girl walks
My Cars Name: Ziggy Stardust
Hey new voters! Registering to vote is easier than you may think!
October 26, 2022
Navigating the world of politics can be stressful and intimidating, especially for people who have just turned 18. Because of this many new voters will not want to put their voice out there and vote, but as the younger generation, our voices matter now more than ever. Thankfully, voting is not nearly as stressful as it seems, especially if you go into it with a little knowledge.
There are also a lot of new voters who have recently moved out of state. This can add a lot of stress and confusion to a young adult’s life. As it turns out, voting from college is a lot easier than it may seem.
For Headings and Subheadings by Greta Foss [/infographic]
How to vote if you are a college student or are not currently in MN by Greta Foss [/infographic]
How to navigate the polling stations by Greta Foss [/infographic]
If you are looking for some helpful websites to learn more about voting in your area, here are the resources that I used: