Screenshot taken from the mothermothermusic Instagram
Mother Mother during one of their many onstage performances.
Mother Mother
Mother Mother was an experience I will never ever forget. The hour or so I spent waiting outside in the cold in shorts was ultimately worth it with how outstanding the show was. Mother Mother is a larger indie band that had a very unique sound. So unique, in fact, that I’m not even entirely sure how to describe it. They were so incredibly kind to the audience and spent the whole show commending us for how alive we were and how happy that made them.
The show was at St. Andrew’s Music hall, so the venue was comfortable and allowed for easy access close to the stage. I managed to get right up close with a near-perfect view from a few rows away from the front. The upbeat and fast-paced nature of the show was super refreshing and prevented any room for boredom throughout the whole segment.

Their music is eclectic, to say the least, some of my favorites are ‘Little Pistol’ (from the album The Sticks, 2012), ‘Verbatim,’ and ‘Body’ (Both from the album Oh My Heart, 2008). Each album they put out is vastly different from the last, and their setlist really shows that. The songs would quickly switch from something slower and more sentimental into something very crazy sounding. The rapid tone changes were actually pretty fun and made the experience better in the long run.

One of the most notable things about this performance was the light show that came along with it. It was one of the best lighting setups I have ever seen live. It was lively, colorful, and overall managed to perfectly match the atmosphere necessary for each song. Furthermore, it took the whole experience to a whole new level and made each song more of a full-body experience rather than just one you enjoy with your ears if that makes sense. They didn’t sound exactly like their studio recordings, but that is to be expected with the different acoustics and all of that.
It was genuinely such a magical, community-oriented experience. The whole show they made an effort to refer to the audience as their family, and it was just so warm and pleasant. Even though I was at nearly the very end of the merch line, they still had plus-sized options available, which was such a relief. The show was such a fantastic experience (My second favorite overall), and I can’t recommend going to see them enough. In fact, they are coming to Minneapolis this October, and I will definitely buy tickets to see them again, and I fully recommend that anyone would do the same.