Mock trial is one of the many clubs offered at Sartell High School.
Mock Trial
One of the more outside-the-box clubs that SHS has to offer is mock trial.
Mock trial is a competition in which students simulate a real trial. Any student can join but many are approached by the captain of the mock trial team.
“I was recruited by the captain,” stated Elizabeth, “But you can also go to the informational meeting to join the team.”
How mock trial works is unique. In the past, the team would travel to an actual court house to compete against other schools. Due to Covid-19, the trials are now conducted over zoom meetings. Of course, the main goal of the team is to win the trial: Elizabeth shares, “We have a case we fight on for our meets that we study to try and win the trial.”
When the team is competing, they not only have to know what they are talking about, but they also have to look the part. For every meet, they all dress very professionally which usually consists of dress suits, shoes, and accessories. Even though every trial is fake, the team still puts their all into each one in hopes that they will win every time. The mock trial team can go to state and Sartell has qualified and gone to state before.
The team usually meets every Monday and Wednesday but their season has already ended for the year. Being a part of the mock trial team is a real commitment which requires dedication not only to your fellow teammates but also to each and every case.
Mock trial is also a great way to get to collaborate with a variety of students. The team consists of students from all grades freshman through seniors. As far as the best parts about mock trial, Elizabeth had this to say: “Getting to meet a lot of upperclassmen and getting to form relationships with them.”
Overall, to be a part of the mock trial team is a great way to experience something different and real. It really offers students a peek into what could possibly be their future career. It’s really a great opportunity.