Partners in crime: Sammy and Taylor
February 18, 2019
Seniors of Sartell High School, Taylor Schoenberg and Sammy Quaal are the definition of best friends, which makes them perfect candidates for the article Partners in Crime.
Taylor and Sammy met at Kidstop and
have been inseparable ever since.
Taylor Schoenberg
Taylor took her best guesses on some of Sammy’s favorite things. I think it’s safe to say Taylor knows Sammy pretty well!

Taylor and Sammy playing hockey when they were little.
What is Sammy’s favorite drink?
Taylor’s response- Sunkiss
Correct answer- Sunkiss
What is Sammy’s favorite TV show?
Taylor’s response – Criminal Minds
Correct answer – The Office
What is Sammy’s favorite candy?
Taylor’s response- Reeses
Correct answer – Reeses
Does Sammy prefer cats or dogs?

Sammy and Taylor posing in the fall.
Taylor’s response – Dog
Correct answer – Dog
What is Sammy’s favorite color?

Taylor and Sammy going to Winter Wonderland
Taylor’s response – Blue
Correct answer – Blue
Does Sammy prefer Starbucks or Caribou?
Taylor’s response – Caribou
Correct answer – Caribou
Who is Sammy’s celebrity crush?
Taylor’s response – Scott Eastwood
Correct answer – Zach Efron
What is Sammy’s favorite ice cream?
Taylor’s response – Peanut buttercup perfect with chocolate ice cream
Correct answer – Peanut buttercup perfect with chocolate ice cream

Hi! My name is Brooke Walters, and I am a senior at Sartell High School. In my free time, I like to play hockey and soccer. I also like to spend time with...
Sammy Quaal
Sammy definitely knows Taylor through and through! She only got one wrong.

Taylor and Sammy taking picture with favorite movie.
What’s Taylor’s favorite drink?
Sammy’s response- Sunkiss
Correct answer- Water
What is Taylor’s favorite TV show?
Sammy’s response- Grey’s Anatomy
Correct answer – Grey’s Anatomy
What is Taylor’s favorite Candy?
Sammy’s response – Reeses
Correct answer – Reeses
Does Taylor prefer cats or dogs?
Sammy’s response – Dog
Correct answer – Dog
What is Taylor’s favorite color?
Sammy’s response – Blue
Correct answer – Blue
Does Taylor prefer Starbucks or Caribou?

Taylor and Sammy’s senior year hockey pictures.
Sammy’s response – Starbucks
Correct answer – Starbucks
Who is Taylor’s celebrity crush?
Sammy’s response – Scott Eastwood
Correct answer – Scott Eastwood
What is Taylor’s favorite Ice cream?
Sammy’s response – Peanut buttercup perfection with vanilla ice cream
Correct answer – Peanut buttercup perfect with sweet cream ice cream

Hi! My name is Brooke Walters, and I am a senior at Sartell High School. In my free time, I like to play hockey and soccer. I also like to spend time with...