Harvest of Horror got second place out of three.

Harvest of Horror got second place out of three.

Harvest of Horror



Harvest of Horror is located in Saint Augusta, about 15 minutes out of Saint Cloud.

It is a bit of a trip, but not too bad. I think it is a little better than Molitor’s. It still has a haunted hayride that goes through a cornfield, which makes it a little more interesting, and then you walk through the woods with your group until you get to the haunted houses.

The downside to walking through the woods is that you are able to see what’s coming before you get there if you are too close to a group in front of you. I believe this place has very high potential.

It costs $17 dollars to get in, so it is cheaper then Molitor’s, and I think the hayride is a little better. Harvest of Horror also has escape rooms. Escape rooms are where you get locked in, and then you have a certain amount of time to get out before you are “eaten” by a werewolf that is locked in the escape room with you. This, I thought, was really fun. It was an extra $15, but I believe that it was worth it. I had a good time and was genuinely scared, and I enjoyed walking through the corn fields.

I rate Harvest of horror at 7/10.



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