Bondi Beach Resort flooding in Sydney, Australia


Canva image created by Alex Otkin

High tides and wind speeds cause Australian beach resort flooding.

The go-to beach resort for celebrities during the initial Covid-19 quarantine has been hammered recently with bad weather.

At the beginning of this month, April 2nd, Bondi Beach Resort was a victim of a combination of high tides and fast wind speeds to create the high tide. In a video from, the massive waves slammed into shoreside properties, damaging residents’ and store owners’ shops and homes.

Large pools later engulfed in ocean water on ocean shore (Beach photo from istockphoto, Australia outline from pixabay, both used under creative commons license, edited by Alex Otkin via Photoshop )

The barrage of waves overturned beachside tables, chairs, and even some small boats.

A resident’s sail vessel was also capsized along the shore. A rescue crew was shortly gathered and a search was conducted. The search was shortly canceled after the owner of the overturned boat came forward to say that it had been ripped from the dock south at Gordons Bay due to the heavy seas. 

This is not the first time in the past month that Sydney has been affected by bad weather.

Bondi Beach located in Sydney, Australia hit with massive waves (Australia and Wave image used under creative commons license from dreamstime, edited by Alex Oktin via Photoshop )

According to, they have a past history of high wind speeds and intense rainfall which, restraints the usability of the beachside resort. Shortly after the weather had cleared after the storm, a couple of weeks prior, the Bureau quickly removed the flood warning. Residences and workers were then completely caught off guard when the very next morning, the shore was in shambles and people’s properties had been swallowed by the ocean water.

In an interview with Aiden Hilger, who has an interest in researching current events, it was not surprising to find out that he was already aware of the event.  “I learned about the flood through my current events class. We learn all about what happened and recent events,” stated Hilger. Aiden still remains hopeful though for the resort, saying, “Maybe they will get aid or insurance still.”

Overall, the resort has been facing these tough weather conditions for the past month and will continue to face them in the future.

I think the damages are going to cost millions and potentially set back the resort to the point of bankruptcy.

— Aiden Hilger