Was President John F. Kennedy’s assassination an inside job?

We all know about President John F. Kennedy and his assassination, along with the culprit being Lee Harvey Oswald, but what if that wasn’t the case? Many believe that Oswald was not the shooter or that he had a partner. Oswald admitted to the murder of the police officer, but never admitted to the murder of President John F. Kennedy, leading more people to believe that Oswald was a cover up for something more drastic.

It is said that on the way from the airport to a luncheon where Kennedy was scheduled to speak, Oswald shot Kennedy in the neck and head, causing fatal injuries. Oswald was found 45 minutes later in a movie theater, after killing a police officer as well, and taken to jail. Some theorists believe that Oswald was not the shooter or that he had a partner. Oswald admitted to the murder of the police officer, but never admitted to the murder of President John F. Kennedy, leading more people to believe that Oswald was a cover up for something more drastic that the government may have created.

Do you know what John F. Kennedy’s wife did after he was shot? She got up from her seat in the convertible car and started to try to crawl off the back of the car, only to be told to sit back down by a security guard. It makes sense that she wanted to get away so that she would be out of danger, but have you ever thought about why her first instinct was to get out of the car by crawling off of the trunk? Wouldn’t she have been safer in the car as it sped away to a hospital?

This theory suggests that the reason Jacqueline Kennedy tried to get out of the car was because the driver was the one with the gun and not Oswald sitting in a building off to the side. This theory would confirm that Lee Harvey Oswald was telling the truth when he said he did not kill the president. If this was the case then the government would have had to plan everything perfectly without anyone knowing that would bring suspicion. Some believe that it was a deeper government conspiracy that was planning Kennedy’s death, while others believe it was only the driver of the car.

John F. kennedy during his last moments (Screenshot from Incidenty on Youtube)
John F. kennedy during his last moments (Screenshot from Incidenty on Youtube)

If you look closely at the driver in the video of John F. Kennedy’s assassination, you can see the driver turn around and a fast glare from something go over the drivers shoulder when Kennedy gets shot, then he speeds away. The following video does not show his assassination, but shows moments leading up to and afterward.

This theory also suggests that Jacqueline Kennedy didn’t speak out about the driver out of fear that she would be targeted as well or that the government paid her off to be quiet.

So who really was to blame for the death of our 35th president, and was it an inside job?